Exchange Rules

Exchange Rules ~ Custom email notifications!

New to the Google Play Store (for Android) and Windows Phone Marketplace (for Windows Phone), Exchange Rules lets you set custom email notifications for your Android phone based on criteria of who the email is from or on the subject of the email.  Currently, this is only compatible for Microsoft Exchange accounts.

So you’re like me, you have a lot of emails coming in all day long for work so you don’t want your phone making noise each time a new email comes in.  BUT, you do want to know if you get an email from your boss!

How does it work?

First, you need to download the app to your phone (links below). Once you have it installed, go into the settings and fill in the information. Now you’re ready to set up some rules! Create rules as you see fit.

Now you need to download and setup the notifier app (link below) on your PC. This is the app that searches your 10 most recent unread emails (from your Microsoft Exchange email account) and if it finds one that matches a rule you’ve made, it will alert your phone!

Why do I need a program running on my PC?

This allows you to keep all your information. The only thing stored on my server are the rules you setup. This allows you to keep your username and password stored on YOUR COMPUTER ONLY! You are the owner of your information, not me!


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