I’m definitely excited about the Dell Streak coming out. Even though it’s going to be a fairly large “phone”, it’s going to be a nice little powerhouse with a beautiful display. It may not be as beautiful as the iPhone 4 but I’m not convinced the average eye will ever notice a difference.
Now, something that I see people talking a lot about is the price tag. $500 for an unlocked phone…that is not bad people! I don’t see what the gripe is about! Typically, when you sign up with your carrier, you get a discount anyways. The iPhone 4 unlocked 16gb sells for $599. Now, the Dell streak only comes with 2gb built in but it has a microSD slot expandable up to 32gb and the price of SD cards are cheap! Sooo…I don’t see the fuss.
What do you think?
I’ve been tooling around the Android OS Market and have been finding some extremely handy apps that haven’t been getting enough attention (in my personal geeky opinion). So, I decided to pick a few that I find useful or just plain fun and go through them. What makes them even better is that they are all free!
Years ago, Microsoft came out with a free SQL database server called MSDE. I recently encountered a program that uses this database and the user had locked themselves out (somehow locking out other users as well). Luckily, we were able to find an admin user that still knew their password to log in and reset the other user’s password.
Now, I’m thinking to myself “If everyone got locked out and there was no default login, they would have been up the creek without a paddle.”
No, MSDE is an MSSQL database, NOT MySQL, and I don’t know how to access MSSQL databases. If you know, please tell!
I was having a hard time finding any free software that would give me any sort of interface with the MSSQL database that wasn’t strictly command line.
Lo-and behold, there is an alternative if you have Microsoft Access! You can create an ODCB connection to the MSSQL database (under Administrative tools) which in turn can be opened with Microsoft Access.
If you would like help doing this, drop me a line!
There are tons of free programs out there that are very useful and great alternatives to some of the high cost competitors. You would be amazed at the wide variety of software people are putting out for one of 2 reasons. 1) to get their company or personal name out there as a developer or 2) simply to provide an alternative to high priced programs
So, are you wondering what these programs are and how to get them? Let’s take a look!